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Choosing the address of the gashapon machine

Choosing the address of the gashapon machine

The main drainage area of ​​the shopping mall is to enter the direction of children. The children’s handmade franchise stores, naughty castles, building block kingdoms, trampoline projects, etc. have brought significant effects to the mall. The children’s business format is now more profitable. In the project, Ma Yun said that both money are easy to make, one is for women, and the other is for children, because they want to give the best future generation. The place with children’s format is a good place to operate a gashapon machine. A gastronomy machine is a good choice to operate this kind of place.
Where children stay is very popular
Last week, Mr. Wang of Liaoning put 10 gashapon machines on the ground of the children’s garden. Every day the mall opened, the first place for the children to go was his gashapon airport. Here, the children’s garden was overcrowded by the weekend. The goal of the crowd in the sky garden is clear, and the attitude of the surrounding industry is that there are many children. The children are tired of playing. After eating, it is normal to come and play with your toy.
There are many children playing in the surrounding children’s playgrounds. Mr. Wang’s aisle is a necessary aisle for children’s playgrounds and sky gardens. When controlling the garden to watch flowers, birds and trees, parents told us: “I usually bring my children here to play. More complete, the children also like, that is, there are a lot of fun things, it is also good to relax after learning tired-here is clear for children's consumption purpose.
The current shopping mall format is no longer dominated by sales in the past, but is a variety of lifestyle scenes, entertainment and leisure, mainly for young men and women and the needs of children with children, the entertainment consumption of children is a sensory touch For consumer groups that are primarily experience-based, the gashapon toy machine can play a role in attracting children if it puts some samples on the window display. The gashapon toy machine sells high-end toys for children.
The potential of the market for children’s consumption is very good, because children’s consumption is the main expenditure, and the expenditure of children in most families with children is very high. The purpose of this consumption is not very sensible, which can drive the spending power of parents As a carrier, the machine can be freely and flexibly connected with the surroundings of these children, such as the parent-child restaurant, which several twisting machines increase the richness of the project, play more things, and have coupons and full reductions. You can participate in the coupon, scan the code as much as the consumption reaches, and then scan the QR code of the gashapon machine for half or one fold.