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What other issues do you need to pay attention to after purc

If you want to get into this unmanaged sideline investment project, what other issues do you need to pay attention to besides buying the machine? Which other products should I buy? In fact, in addition to the cost of investing in the machine of the gashapon machine, you need to buy the gacha, because the gashapon machine does not contain the gacha, you can contact the customer service to send the gacha document, then you ask: can you send some Give me a gacha? A: The gacha-twisting machine purchases gachas according to the age and consumption level of the crowd. Others give you those cheap, unsellable plastic-flavored gachas that not only affect your business, but when others buy back, the feedback is not very good. As I said to others, this is not very good, so when we choose to buy a twisted gashapon machine, we will give you a low price, which is better than sending gachas?


If you are buying a coin-operated gashapon machine:
The coin-operated gastronomy machines need to be used together with the currency exchange machine in the aisle-style operation, otherwise how can the game currency come? If you use a one-dollar coin, imagine who still brings so many coins now? Currency exchange with a currency exchange machine is actually a backward charging point. Our data shows that the consumption of mobile phone scan codes reaches 90%. It is the young people and parents with children who play the gacha game. Fast-paced, do not like to bring money, there are also a type of users who like to use the currency exchange machine to exchange coins to play, if there is a problem with this machine, it means that it may bring certain obstacles to consumer consumption.
So as much as possible to ensure that you use the code-scanning twisted gashapon machine, coin-operated coin, game currency card inside, you need to go to the venue to deal with, and then foreign currency, you use to buy a twisted gashapon machine In addition to the customization of the game currency, most of the public version of the game currency Taobao is sold at the same price, the price is still a few cents, the game currency is increasing, and the money is not earned here. Where did the money go? There is also the situation of high maintenance costs, the coin-operated device is not durable, etc. Scanning codes can avoid such problems. We eliminated the scheme of using game coins in the early years of self-employment. Scanning codes do not have software. For any problems, we choose the 4G motherboard industry with better quality, slightly higher price but no delay, etc. The experience is very good.

Selection of the performance of the twisted gashapon machine:
In real life, when an operator is operating a gashapon machine project, he hopes to use the gashapon machine to generate greater profits. In fact, it contains more content, and the costs involved in each aspect are also divided in detail. If you enter this industry for the first time and want to operate a gastronomy machine product, you should have a comprehensive understanding. The convenience of the scan code payment of the gastronomy machine also requires the structure and performance of the machine to be easy to use. When operating in multiple locations It seems tired, a good machine does not need to have any worries.
Brand ranking of gashapon machine:
Those who buy a gastronomy machine are better, which is not good. This will not be discussed. There is a stupid way to go to a second-hand platform such as Xianyu. I know that those gastronomy machines are not good. Bringing people flow, why can't you continue to sell second-hand transfers? Are you saying this?
Will it still be particular:
Choosing our company's gashapon machine is an optimization of the site operation. It has stood the test and the crystallization of many tests, and the overall performance and functionality are also different. The operator faces itself when choosing The scenes have corresponding performance usage. These are the backgrounds that are free to share with everyone. During the purchase and operation of the gashapon machine, can you understand which ones are good? When the volume is large, our gashapon machine can enjoy greater discounts. We are the factory direct wholesale, which also saves costs for ourselves.